Sunday, April 7, 2013

Grand Elder Raymond Robinson is on a full hunger strike

 Grand Elder Raymond Robinson’s Video Message to Canadians 

April 6th Statement 
Grand Elder Raymond Robinson is on a full hunger strike and has not consumed any food or water since April 3rd, 2013 at 9:00am.
Raymond will remain on hunger strike until Prime Minister Stephen Harper agrees to meet with First Nations leaders on a Nation-to-Nation basis;
On Friday Raymond met with Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt only to have the Minister literally laugh in his face and refuse his request without any negotiation. Raymond offered to end his hunger strike in return for a meeting between First Nations Chiefs and the Prime Minister on a Nation to Nation basis.
Grand Elder Raymond Robinson is putting his LIFE on the line, his demands are not unreasonable, and Stephen Harper must ACT NOW to save his life.
Monday morning will mark Grand Elder Raymond’s 5th day without food or water. It is unbelievable, and unacceptable, that this country has come to a point where First Nations Peoples are literally starving themselves just to get a meeting from a Prime Minister who is enacting radical genocidal legislation taking aim at First Nations, the environment, and the Canadian people.
Join us Monday night for candle light vigils across the country to send a strong message to Harper that Canada needs to begin to heal the wounds of hundreds of years of colonial, assimilationist, and paternal legislation.
Let’s stay peaceful, raise awareness, and come together as one in these difficult times that will un undoubtedly mark Canadian history forever.
Host an event in your town. 1) Pick a spot, 2) Create an event using this text 3) Send us the link
Communique 6 Avril
Grand Elder Robinson est en grève de la faim complète et n’a pas consommé de nourriture ni d’eau depuis le 3 Avril 2013 à 9:00 am.
Raymond restera en grève de la faim jusqu’à ce que le Premier ministre Stephen Harper accepte de rencontrer les chefs des Premières nations sur une base de nation à nation;
Vendredi, Raymond a rencontré le ministre des Affaires autochtones Bernard Valcourt. Celui ci lui a littéralement ri dans la figure et a refusé d’accéder à sa requête sans aucune négociation. Raymond a offert de mettre fin à sa grève de la faim en échange d’une rencontre entre les chefs des Premières nations et le Premier ministre sur une base de nation à nation.
Grand Elder Raymond Robinson met sa VIE en jeu, ses demandes ne sont pas irraisonables, et Stephen Harper doit AGIR MAINTENANT pour sauver sa vie.
Lundi matin marquera le 5e jour sans nourriture ni eau de Grand Elder Raymond. Il est incroyable, et inacceptable, que ce pays soit rendu au point où les peuples des Premières Nations se laissent littéralement mourrir de faim juste pour obtenir une rencontre d’un Premier ministre qui met en vigueur une législation génocidaire radicale ciblant les Premières nations, l’environnement, et le peuple canadien.
Joignez-vous à nous lundi soir pour des vigiles à la chandelles à travers le pays, afin de signaler clairement à Harper que le Canada doit commencer à soigner les blessures causées par des centaines d’années de législation coloniale, assimilationiste et paternaliste.
Restons pacifiques, éveillons les consciences, et unissons-nous en ces temps difficiles qui marqueront sans aucun doute l’histoire canadienne à jamais.
AGISSONS maintenant!
Statement from Grand Elder Raymond Robinson
For immediate release, Friday, April 5th 2013
Grand Elder Raymond Robinson will be meeting with the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Bernard Valcourt this afternoon. He will be arriving at 2:00 pm, 30 minutes before the meeting which is scheduled for 2:30 pm. He will also be available for comment immediately following the meeting.
Grand Elder Robinson is praying for two things. The first is that Prime Minister Harper remove new sections added to First Nation’s comprehensive funding agreements that seek to implement recent changes in government policy including bills C-38 and C-45. He is unhappy that First Nations are being “blackmailed” into signing the agreements or risk having their funding cut off.
The second is for the government of Canada to begin a meaningful “Nation to Nation” relationship and dialogue. Grand Elder Robinson also points out that Prime Minister Harper has not followed through on the commitments made in the January 11th meetings. PM Harper has not met with First Nations leadership “in the coming weeks” as promised, nor did he send a representative from the PMO to the AFN’s Treaty Forum held in saskatchewan last week.
By 2:30 this afternoon Grand Elder Robinson will have been without food or water since April 3ed at 9:00am, which will bring the hour count to 53.5
Today’s meeting will be held at:
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Terrasses de la Chaudière
10 Wellington, North Tower
Gatineau, Quebec
Postal Address:
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H4
More Information:
Twitter: @GERayRobinson

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